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20th Feb, 2024

By Kakraba Foundation Trust



In the wake of Brexit, the UK has undergone significant changes in its economic model and immigration policies. As the dust settles, it’s crucial to assess the progress made in addressing the challenges faced by immigrants, particularly concerning education and employment. This article delves into the issues encountered by immigrants in the UK and highlights the role of the Kakraba Foundation in bridging these gaps.

Challenges Faced by Immigrants

1. Education Barriers

Refugee and asylum-seeking pupils often encounter hostile environments when entering the UK’s education system. These challenges include language barriers, cultural adjustments, and a lack of specialized training for school practitioners to manage hostility and provide adequate support1. Additionally, highly educated migrant workers may find themselves overqualified for the jobs available.

2. Employment Struggles

Immigrants face hurdles in securing meaningful employment. While some arrive with valuable skills, they may still struggle to find suitable positions. For instance, part-time employment due to the inability to secure full-time roles affects both South Asian-born workers and UK-born workers2. Lack of information on short- and long-term outcomes further hinders integration into British society.

Kakraba Foundation’s Vision

The Kakraba Foundation Trust is committed to creating a world where everyone has access to basic education and is treated with compassion. Our mission extends beyond geographical boundaries, but our current focus lies in Nottingham and Derbyshire. Here’s how we aim to contribute:

1. Education and Skills Training

Our foundation recognizes that education is the cornerstone of empowerment. We provide educational, vocational, technical, and skills training programs to immigrants.

By equipping them with practical knowledge and abilities, we empower them to overcome barriers and thrive in their new environment. Whether it’s learning a trade, mastering digital literacy, or gaining essential life skills, we bridge the gap between aspiration and achievement.

2. Language and Cultural Integration

Language proficiency is crucial for immigrants to navigate daily life, access education, and secure employment. The Kakraba Foundation offers language courses tailored to the specific needs of our beneficiaries. We foster cultural integration by organizing community events, workshops, and dialogues that celebrate diversity and promote understanding.

3. Job Placement and Mentorship

Finding employment can be daunting, especially when faced with unfamiliar systems and expectations. Our foundation collaborates with local businesses, government agencies, and community partners to provide job placement assistance. We connect immigrants with mentors who guide them through the job-seeking process, offer career advice, and help build professional networks.

4. Advocacy and Awareness

We raise public awareness about the challenges faced by immigrants. Through campaigns, seminars, and partnerships, we advocate for policies that promote inclusivity and equal opportunities. By amplifying immigrant voices, we aim to dispel misconceptions and foster empathy within our communities.

Join Us in Making a Difference

The Kakraba Foundation invites individuals, businesses, and community groups to join our cause. Whether you volunteer your time, donate, or spread awareness, your contribution matters. Together, we can create a more inclusive society—one where immigrants thrive, contribute, and enrich our collective experience.

For more information about the Kakraba Foundation, visit our official website: Kakraba Foundation Trust.


1. CIPD. (2023). Migrant workers and skills shortages in the UK: Role of immigration in tackling post-Brexit skills challenges. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

2. Education Policy Institute. (2023). Highlights barriers to education for refugee and migrant children in the UK.

3. Migration Observatory, University of Oxford. (2024). Migrants in the UK Labour Market: An Overview.

4. The Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), University of Oxford. (2019).

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